Living as Sacred is a path and school that will guide you in reclaiming and expanding your sacred connection with all aspects of creation: yourself, all your relationships, the human and more-than-human world.

Our courses and immersions will support you to remember how to live in reciprocity and harmony with Life and will invite you to question how to better serve our common home, the Earth.

We get together to re-member, re-imagine and re-claim our active participation and contribution in the world, recognizing that we all behold precious wisdom that is needed in our times. The time is now to start bringing change in our own personal lives and the ecosystems of people around us. Without our willingness to change the way we see and relate to the world no transformation will be possible.

We are rooted in the idea that just like our tree relatives we are made up of water, fire, air and earth, our bodies contain the whole universe. There is an aliveness that breathes through us all, connecting us and creating an interdependent web of togetherness.

Despite our forgetting, born out of centuries of slow separation from the natural world, our role in the ecosystem of life is, actually, a crucial and essential one. Nourished and held by the earth, the rivers, the plants, the stars, we have a duty to give back and restore healthy relationship. We are not apart from the Earth, we are fully embedded in this grand conversation.

Living as Sacred is devoted to exploring the inquiry on connection, and what it means to be relational beings. It offers experiences, courses and possibilities to not only think these inquiries but to become the embodied response to them.

We weave embodied practices, with regenerative practices, herbalism with crafts, healing modalities with creativity. We believe that a sacred life is one that encompasses all our relations and is a journey of transforming our perception of reality as a whole to return to a sense of wholeness.

Our courses touch a wide variety of themes and topics all devoted to re-establishing our sacred connection to all of life. We provide both in depth courses, short courses and in person gatherings.

Stay tuned to receive information about our offerings and dates!

“If we want to continue to enjoy our rivers (...) We have to meditate on being the river so that we can experience, within ourselves, the fears and hopes of the river. If we cannot feel the rivers, the mountains, the air, the animals, and other people from within their own perspective, the rivers will die and we will lose our chance for peace.”



Wisdom of the Feminine

20th DECEMBER 2024 - 07th SEPTEMBER 2025

A course of reclamation of health and healing. A path to restore the the feminine ways of cure, that looks into the cyclicity of the female body, that sees our bodies as one with our emotional and spiritual bodies, as well as acknowledges that personal health is not separated from collective health.

Starting on the Winter Solstice we are opening the doors for new course called Wisdom of the Feminine. This is a 9 months and 9 moon course on female health, holistic and traditional healing, herbalism, menstrual cycle awareness, natural gynecology, nutrition, sexuality, rites of passage and creativity.

This will be a comprehensive journey in the realm of health, healing and inner transformation rooted in the understanding that female bodies are deeply interconnected with the body of the earth, with its rhythms and movements and that as we reconnect to such cycles we can shift our relationship with life as a whole. We will also be addressing the topic of health as something that starts with us becoming aware of our own bodies and emotions, exploring connection with this inner terrain. Health is not something that we cure once it’s gone, it is an ongoing conversation and dance in harmony that asks us to look at how we eat, think, speak, the actions we take daily. We are interested in restoring our sovereignty over our own health and bring back new and ancient ways of healing.

So much of our medical system has encouraged disconnection from ourselves, we seek for help outside of ourselves and have forgotten how to learn from our own bodies, how to listen and be agents of change and promoters of inner harmony.

Our prayer is to support women in reclaiming their own health, understanding their inner anatomy, learning about plants that can support them, reclaiming rites of passages and rituals to restore balance and mark change, expand the possibility for pleasure and vitality to stream through all of their inner rivers and streams.

The course is open to both therapists, practitioners, healers and more and those that simply want to learn these practical and theoretical teachings for their own lives. It is an in depth learning space that will provide both a framework to what health truly means and also provide information, tools and practices to integrate in your work and daily life.

“Action on behalf of life transforms. Because the relationship between self and the world is reciprocal, it is not a question of first getting enlightened or saved and then acting. As we work to heal the earth, the earth heals us.”


  • Wisdom of the Feminine


  • Our Council


  • Courses